"where did you go honey?" Mr. Fong asked as shayna walked back into the hotel room.
"oh... i went to get something from my friend. it's for school," shayna lied. her faced was still a little flushed from the little incident back at the poolside.
"you looked a little flushed dear..." timothy said as he went over to hold her.
"oh... i had a drink or two with her. she was feeling a little down," shayna couldn't lie properly but she had to try her very best to look convincing.
"do you want to go back and rest?" shayna's mother asked.
shayna shook her head and sat between her parents, "no way! i missed both of you too much to miss a single minute with you."
both her parents laughed and gave her a peck on the cheek.
"we can always see the sights of london together in the morning. besides it's getting late," mr. fong said.
"... yeah. and we do have jet lag too," mrs. fong said, "timothy darling, take her home to rest."
timothy nodded and picked up shayna's bag.
"papa... mom... you're being mean," shayna grumbled.
"we miss you even more, darling. but your health is more important. why don't we have a deal?" mr. fong suggested.
shayna tilted her head to the side, wondering what her father could come up with.
"why don't you and timothy go back and plan a great intinery for all of us to see london? how about that? we'll meet back here for breakfast. what do you think?" mr. fong continued.
finally, shayna agreed and timothy walked with her towards the car. he was super sweet to her, making sure she walk alright every step of the way.
"hope this kiss helps," timothy said while they were in the lift. he bent down and touched her lips gently. sadly she was unsatisfied. she wondered why she enjoyed colin's kisses more. all she could do was smile and hug him.
"maybe you were too excited throughout the whole day. my poor baby," timothy cooed.
"i guess i need some sleep... that's all," shayna said.
"hmm... so no excitement tonight?" timothy joked. shayna rolled her eyes at him and playfully slapped him on the arm. timothy stuck out his tongue and then laughed along with her.
as timothy tucked shayna into bed and leaving her to rest on her own, she lay there still for awhile. not knowing if she should call colin. she would be taking a very big risk on her very perfect relationship with a perfectly stable man in her life. she pulled her mobile phone close to her and stared at colin's number. all she needed to do was press the call button and she would be on her way to hearing his sensual voice. she noticed colby's painting still on her bed side table. she sat up and looked at it again. she missed having fun with colby and remembered the time when they played soccer at the country club.
it was also the first time she felt something for colin. she picked up the phone again and pressed 'call'.
"i was hoping you call," colin said, sounding very excited. shayna smiled to hear that he had been waiting, "i missed you so much."
"it was just only hours ago when we met," shayna sighed.
"i guess. so where are you now?" colin asked.
"back at timmy's place."
"oh. your husband to be," colin spat.
"hey... stop that. he's still... my boyfriend."
"then what am i?" colin asked.
"you have lila. i know you slept with her," shayna chided.
colin grumbled, "let me guess who told you... your best friend, alyssa?"
"sheesh. i guess you should have known what happened. it's hard to keep secrets when your best friends are an item," colin laughed.
"well... who was the one who introduced them to each other?" shayna asked.
"not me! i was kissing you in the car, remember?"
both of them went silent for awhile. it was a night to remember... that car incident.
"so... wanna hang out tomorrow?" colin asked.
shayna went hesistant, "well, i have to spend time with my parents and..."
"... i understand. it's alright. maybe we can have a midnight rendevouz again," colin suggested cheekily.
shayna shook her head, "maybe... call you tomorrow. i think i'll get some rest."
"alright. be waiting for your call. love you," colin cooed. somehow colin does the cooing better, in shayna's perspective.
"nites colin,' shayna said. as she was about to put down the phone, colin called her back.
"yes? what is it?" shayna asked.
"just answer me one question honestly," colin said. shayna agreed.
"did you ever tell timothy that you loved him?"
shayna went silent again... she didn't know if she should be honest. somehow honesty didn't always work well for her. but she closed her eyes and let her spontanity get to her.
"no. only to you."
as colin placed the phone down, he threw himself on the bed and screamed in joy.
the whitewashed walls scared lila. everything seemed so odd here. it was not something that she was used to. megan just sat down right beside her, flipping through a thick fashion magazine. megan looked as though this was a routine for her and that everything was alright. lila, on the other hand, was fidgiting and worried.
"are you sure this is going to work?" lila asked, for the third time.
megan placed the magazine on her lap and rolled her eyes, "can you stop the panic thing? it's irritating. i told you, just follow my cue and everything will be great."
"but aren't we being a little too mean?"
"look, would you want me to put it to you?" megan blinked her eyes a few more times, "we're the victims here. he deserves this."
"yes but..."
"... no more buts, lila. just trust me on this," megan said as she placed her arm around lila.
"everything will be just as we've planned," megan smirked evily.