she couldn't help thinking about him. though it's been a few weeks since the sleeping together incident, shayna couldn't help but just feel hair-raising sensations when she thought about that night. for good and for bad. for one thing colin was gentlemanly enough not to rape her in the middle of the night and bad because they were not meant to be together.
"he has a girlfriend you silly girl" she said to herself, reminding her how distant she was from colin. there was nothing she could do about it.
"i wonder if he is thinking about me" she thought again. shit! what was she trying to do? becoming the third party in the relationship? the vixen?
she has not been doing well in her practical trainings. everytime she saw a child, she thought of colby and when she thought of colby, colin came into her mind. flooding her thoughts and swarming her senses. she could always feel his warm touch on her skin, the soft, low whispers of sweet nothings.. his smile... his eyes.
shayna smacked her face. "stop it."
"what's up with you today?" Mr. Fong asked, sitting himself opposite his confused and discombobulated daughter.
"nothing. just thinking about something."
"i wonder who or what can hound your mind for weeks. could it be a boy?"
"what boy? papa. i'm 25 already. i'm no longer a girl..."
"but you're my precious little girl..." Mr. Fong said. "hmm, could it be.... Colin?"
Shayna just tried to hide her smile and walked away from her father.
"ah ha. finally my little girl is in love." Mr Fong laughed.
"whatever papa. i have to go work now. bye."
"bring him home someday." Mr. Fong teased.