"wow. this is interesting. your dad works as the head nurse." colin commented as they walked towards a small coffee place at the hospital.
"yeah it's kinda interesting. everyone in the hospital calls him the gentle giant."
"haha. i can see why."
"so you're very close to colby huh?"
"yeah a little... it's just that my parents had colby when i was in my junior college days. it's weird to suddenly realise you're not the only child anymore and there's a young kid around waiting for you to shower him with attention. i didn't really like losing attention from my parents but when i realised colby was born with a birth defect, i kinda understood why my parents doted on him. so that began my close relationship with him."
"that's sweet. i didn't really expect it from a person like you."
"yes, especially when i'm tagged 'The Baboon' in your mind right?"
"haha. yeah you're right. but i'm glad colby has such a loving brother like you."
"do you have siblings?"
"nope. i'm the only child. but i do have many younger siblings if you consider my dad's patients. i visit him often.. thus i am always around for the kids."
"you know it's amazing how we bump into each other so many times today. it's like fate's playing tricks on us."
"i don't really believe in fate. just concidence i guess."
suddenly, colin's phone rang. it was megan. oh no. he looked at shayna for awhile and excused himself to pick up the call.
"hey dear. i heard about colby. are you there with him now?"
"yes i am. don't worry. he's alright."
"should i come down too?"
"it's alright. i'll be fine on my own. you take care alright? i'll call you when i get home."
"oh ok. send him my regards. love you."
"yeah love you too."
somehow when he said it that time, he hardly meant it. he glaned over to look at shayna who was busy sipping on her coffee and looking out of the shop. she was pretty no doubt but she had such a strong character that colin liked. wait a minute.. what was he thinking? this girl almost had him go crazy this afternoon and now he's having this kind of thoughts about her? this is insane. he must be getting tired after a long day.
"sorry. that was a call from... from the office."
"i see. anyway i have to make a move now. you heard what my dad say just now..."
"oh yeah. i should get back to colby. get him dinner too."
"right. so i'll see you around i guess." she smiled and stood up, ready to leave.
this was it... if he wanted to know her better, this is the one chance he's gonna get her number and be able to call her... he had to ask... rather should he ask?
"shayna... i..."
"erm... never mind. see you around then."
"yeah. bye."
colin watched as she walked through the doorway and out of his sight. maybe this was for the better... oh well. he missed a chance.
shayna walked quickly back to where her father was. she was rather excited... she didn't know why she felt like this. maybe her perception of colin has changed. yeah.. maybe that's the reason. he's not that bad a chauvanist pig. he might be at times when a pretty lady saunters past him but a man who loves his younger brother so much shouldn't be really THAT bad a guy right? shayna thought of the possiblities and reasoned it out through her mind so much that she didn't realise she just walked past her father.
"shayna? you didn't even notice me!" Mr. Fong said, shaking his head in dismay.
"oh sorry papa. i was just deep in thought." she explained, hugging her father once more.
"hmm. must be about colin. isn't it?" shayna just shut up. her dad always somehow knew what was on her mind.
"papa. stop it." she finally said, slapping him playfully on the arm.
"i know when my daughter fancies someone. you like him don't you?"
"no... not really..."
"well, just remember what i told you about falling in love. you need to make sure that you really do want to spend the rest of your life with him before committing to anything. you know how bad it hurts when you jump into something and realise you didn't want it in the first place."
"alright alright. i know. you don't have to be such a nag you know."
"ok... but he IS rather charming. quite compatible with my darling daughter..."
"papa. stop it. i just barely know the guy. and i kinda called him a baboon..." her father frowned in puzzlement.
"what? you called him a baboon?"
"yeah i did... kinda... i didn't know he was nice... i thought he was some chauvanist ass who just wanted women to satisfy his lustful fetishes... then i got to know him as the nice brother... then.. now..."
"you think of him now as the baboon who turned into prince charming..." her father joked.
it was rather true... maybe the monkey did somehow ate a magical banana and turned into someone nice, cute, charming, adorable, sensitive and not to mention lovable. shayna couldn't believe what was happening to her. maybe she was falling for colin. oh no.
colin walked into the ward, his heart was quite heavy. he was starting to regret not asking for her number... but he was attached for goodness sake. he should be thinking about megan and not shayna. and shayna DID call him a baboon and insulted his pride when she walked out on the interview that afternoon... she did scream and shout at him for no rhyme or reason... she did come and make colby happy... she did smile at him a few times... she did talk to him nicely... she was really.. different.
"kor!" colby shouted and jumped on the bed again, ordering a hug.
"hey bugger. you should be resting and not jumping all around like a... baboon."
"kor, where's shayna jie? didn't she leave with you? why didn't she come back?"
"shayna jie had to go off with her dad. i can play with you still..."
"i know but shayna jie is fun. she can really robot fight."
"yes but she wants you to rest too. you just recovered. come on, let's get you to bed."
colin tucked colby underneath the blankets and placed the robots away.
"kor. is dad and mom coming?"
"yes they will but not this soon. you know they are quite busy at the office."
"i know. but i'm glad you're here with me."
"i am too. now rest alright. i'll be here when you wake up." colin kissed his brother goodnight and watched him as he went off to sleep. he sighed and leaned back on the chair, tried but happy. happy that his brother was alright for now and that he knew shayna. he was about ot doze off when the door opened. it was his parents.
"dad. mom. ssh. colby's sleeping." he whispered, walking over to give his mother a hug.
"how is he?" Mr. Tan asked, bending over to touch colby's cheek.
"the doctor says he's fine. just needs to rest a lot." he answered.
"you look very tried colin. you better head back and sleep. thank you for taking care of colby." his mom commented.
"mom. i'm fine... colby's my brother of course i have to take care of him. you need the rest more than i do... you know you have high blood pressure. you need to relax. dad, you and mom go back first... i'll stay here and take care of colby."
"are you sure? do you want to take leave from work tomorrow?"
"it's alright. i'll go to work tomorrow. you know the new secretary is coming and i need to assign her work."
"i'll make sure the driver bring some warm clothes for you later on. i'll take mom home now. make sure you get some sleep tonight."
"i will. bye mom. bye dad."
"take care of yourself sweet pea. i'll see you soon."
shayna slumped into the couch where her parents were watching some cheesy chinese drama serial on the television. she never understood why her parents were so melodramatic too. they can't seem to get enough of love stories that doesn't seem to even sound logical in real life. maybe that was what they had always dreamed of... maybe for her. to think that she's the only child is even worse cos they'd be putting a lot of hopes on her! oh no. does that mean she has to work towards finding the right guy now? shayna sighed and hugged the pillow on the couch tight. maybe she should marry her own pillow. it's far better than dating a guy.
"so i heard from dad you met this new guy..." mrs. fong commented.
"oh did he?" shayna said, raising her eyebrow at her dad.
"hey, your mother forced it out of me. it's not my fault."
"dad. you promised..."
"come on. why is it so bad to tell me about your love life. you're 24 already. i'm glad you met someone. it's high time you dated. you know when i was your age, i was already planning to get married with your dad already! you should be thinking about that too... aside from all the job finding."
"mom. please. i don't need to get married so early. you know times have changed."
"so what's he like?" Mr. Fong asked, sounding very interested.
"dad... here you go again. you've been asking me that since the ride home. please. it's not like i'm really dating him. he's just a friend... maybe even less than a friend."
"alright. we shan't ask anymore." shayna smirked "that's more like it. i'll tell you when i really have to alright? now i'm tired... i will go off to sleep now."
"don't forget the advices of your old man alright..."
"yes. i won't. good night mommy. good night papa."
she kissed them on the cheek and then headed off to her own room. she lay down on her bed and sighed and she remembered that dream she had last night. who was he? he sure felt perfect... maybe he was the one for her. she didn't know and she wouldn't know. all she has now is probably her pillow and her blanket.
"good night to me." she said before she turned off the lights.